Tuesday, May 22, 2018

How to Dry Wet Carpets?

If you have a serious water problem throughout your home and your carpets to become saturated, it is very important that you dry them in the correct way. Drying wet carpets can be a real challenge especially during a flood. Saving your carpet is possible however if you take the right steps. Here are some of the first things that you should do to dry wet carpets so that they can be cleaned and preserved for the future:
Get dry towels and spread them out over the carpeted surface: dry towels can be a huge help when you are facing a flood. If you have plenty of dry towels spread them out over the carpeted surface and take the towels away when they get saturated with water. Keep doing this until the carpet starts to dry out. If you can pull the carpet padding up and make sure that it isn't super wet, this can be a huge help to preventing odors.
Get a shop vac: A vacuum is designed for sucking up water is a great idea to pick up if your carpet regularly gets wet. A wet vacuum cleaner can help you to suck up all the water from the carpet itself and even get deep into the padding so that you can prevent the carpet from soaking further. Just keep an eye on the fill tank and empty the water out as needed with a shop vac like this.
Get a dehumidifier: it will likely take a while to get your wet carpet completely dry. By grabbing some ceiling fans, hair dryers and a dehumidifier you can work at pointing these items towards the moisture in the room and getting it soaked up over time. 

Contact a professional is needed: If your carpet padding and other items are drenched in water and you don't have access to a water vacuum, it's a good idea to call the professionals immediately. A company like BH carpet cleaners can come out to your location and dry up the carpet quickly preventing the chance that you might have to throw out your carpet completely. A service like this can help to make sure that you can salvage as much of the carpet and padding as possible.
If you are in need of professional carpet cleaning services in the event that your carpet has become soaked in water, contact BH carpet cleaning NYC immediately. Our staff can come out to your location and assist with drying wet carpets and with cleaning/odor removal for the future as well. 

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